Heavy-lifter switchable magnet with 2,200 lb lifting capacity / 7,700 lb breakaway.
Weight: 121 lbs
Calculating Maximum Lifting Magnet Loads
Maximum lifting power is different for plate and round material lifting, and also depends upon carbon content of stock, stock thickness, and surface finish.
Calculation Example: FUGL-1000, rated magnetic lifting power is 2,200 lbs.
The formula for calculating range of lifting magnets capacity is: T x F x M x Capacity
T = thickness, F = surface finish, M = material,
FUGL-1000 Example: T8, F1, and M2, 90% x 125% x 85% x 2,200 = 2,104 lbs.
Calculating Maximum Lifting Magnet Load Chart
Percentage of Magnetic Lifters Power (by thickness of material)
FUGL Magnetic Lifter Safety
Using the FUGL Magnetic Lifter
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